Sunday, August 11, 2013

Eye of the Powerful

The other day I was flipping through my Cosmo (oh how I love my Cosmo!). I was looking for some kind of art inspiration, and I found it. There was a woman, modeling some shimmery purple eye shadow, who had very intense, yet soft eyes. I snatched up my new sketchbook and just went at it for who knows how long! That's one thing I love about art. An artist can get lost in the piece for hours and not even know the time has gone by.

Eye of the Powerful

Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's Tough Being Fascinating

"Today you are YOU,
that is TRUER than true,
There is NO ONE alive,
who is YOUER than YOU!"- Dr. Seuess

There are 6.974 BILLION people in this world, and you just happen to be you. You aren't your neighboor, your best friend, your worst enemy, or even Martin Luther King Jr., because you are yourself! And you hold the power.

You hold the power.

This is YOUR LIFE.

And quite frankly, you can do whatever the hell you want to do, no matter what anybody else tells you.

What can I say to you that will inspire you to go and do the things you want to do in your life? My last post was about your bucket list, and that kind of goes along with this post, but with a twist.
You have one chance. Every second you are getting older and wiser (hopefully), and every one of us need to come into realization what happiness is and how to attain it. Self realization.
Lets take a self evaluation test shall we?

Things you'll need: Paper, writing utensil, and an open mind!

Self Evaluation <3 of your pretty little life
  1. Do I do something every single day that makes me happy? If not, why?
  2. Where do I see myself in the next couple of days? "Is this the direction I want to be heading?"
  3. Where do I see myself in the next couple of months? " "
  4. Where do I see myself in the next year? " "
  5. What about 5 years?
  6. 10 years?
  7. Do I create goals for myself? If yes, then do I follow through with them? If I don't make goals, then why the hell not?
  8. Look at the people you choose to spend your time with. Do these people have similar life goals, plans, values, morals, interests, etc. as you do?
  9. Look at where you live. Is this where you actually want to be?
  10. Do you want any of the lives of the people who you're surrounded by? Why or why not? If no, then what am I going to do about it?

After you have completed the test, make a "Things That Make Me happy <3" list!
 Here's mine below!

You can make it as creative as you want, and as long as you want! Then hang it on your wall!(or anywhere you will see it often.) SO THEN you will see it and be reminded everyday, why you love your life.

Hope you enjoyed this post! <3 xoxo.

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Bucket List

Lately I've been reading this book called "Before I Die" by Jenny Downham. It's about this girl who has cancer and she starts a bucket list of the things she wants to do before she dies, because she obviously doesn't have a lot of time left. This has really got me thinking about the things I want to do before the old Grim Reaper knocks on my door.
 I'm a huge fan of bucket lists so here is one of my Life Bucket Lists on my graduation cap!
If you can't read it very well it says: Travel the world, go skydiving, make a difference, see the 7 wonders, ride a gondola, send a message in a bottle, paint on an elephant, attend a masquerade, shop in New York, date a British man, dye my hair a crazy color, break out of my comfort zone, break a world record, sit front row at a concert, kiss someone famous, live in another country, LIVE.

You or I may not have cancer but we really need to get life started regardless! I mean we don't want to wait until we have cancer or something stops us! Now that I have graduated it's time to get this thing rolling!
I don't want to wait and do my bucket list until I'm a vegetable, so I decided I would start now! So come out of your comfort zone and join me on this journey!
Noskin_is-perfect | via Tumblr

I've made so many bucket list's, but one thing I've always wondered, is how to stick to it? How can you make yourself complete everything you want to do before you die?

Here are 8 tips on Completing Your Bucket List
  1. Set goals. Don't just write what you're going to do, but plan how you're going to do it!
  2. Put a time limit on it and decide when this going to go down. If you say when you're going to complete it by, then you are a million times more likely to do it!
  3. Narrow down the unrealistic goals. I mean yes, you do want some crazy fun ones, but be honest with yourself. Are you really gutsy enough to go skydiving? The more realistic and simple goals the better!
  4. Include ones that are more personal to you! You're a unique person, and no one is exactly the same as you, so no one else should have the same bucket list as you! Get creative.
  5. Believing is doing. If you can believe in yourself enough to accomplish this life goal, then you can do it.
  6. Put it in a place where you see it all the time. Then you'll be reminded, so the bucket list won't get neglected!
  7. Tell people what you're going to do on the list so the list becomes more real and you are more likely to go through with it! Plus, then you might find someone to do it with you!
  8. Imagine yourself doing this list. Each and every single thing, take some time to close your eyes and visualize yourself going through with it! 

words | via Facebook
When is it good to make a bucket list? Anytime really! Start now and start tonight! You can make it look all fancy or if you're not an artist, then just a simple list will do perfectly! 
It's always fun to make bucket lists with my best friends, and then you complete the list with them!

Honestly, this is probably the best quote I've ever come across... So honest, so true, and so straight forward.

Friday, June 21, 2013

13 Reasons Why Europe is the Best Place on Earth

As you guys know, I have an obsession with Europe and especially Britain. There are so many reasons why I love this phenomenal place. I have never actually been there, but my dream is to go to Europe and date a British man!

 Everything is beautiful in Europe.

 I love everything about it! Here are 13 reasons why the Europe is the best place on earth.

  1. The gorgeous beaches! Now doesn't that look nice? I mean let's be real guys. And they have some nude ones too! Oo la la!
    Positano, Italy
  2. The accents. Oh, the adorable accents! I am a sucker for accents (especially British). They just are so sexy it's unreal. They also just seem to have some sort of class about them! Check out this video and just watch the British (and Irish) accents!
  3. Amazing architecture! Places like Britain, Rome, Italy, Spain, France, and Greece happen to be my personal favorites. Like holy hell, my house doesn't even compare to this! Stunning Architecture of Spain (10 Amazing Pics)
    and the Colosseum is just straight up legit!
    The colloseum, Rome


    Eiffel Tower

  4. Great music artists reside and originate in Europe. Of coarse One Direction, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Green Day, Blink-182, Florence + the Machine, and tons of others!
  5. The men there are unbelievably attractive. Like this is me drooling all over my laptop and getting a little bit dizzy, because they are so yummy. It's pretty much every American girls dream to make out or "snog" with a British man! Apparently they are good kissers! Score!
  6. Romance. They just seem so romantic! The gondolas, beautiful fountains, legends, charm, etc.
  7. Sense of fashion. Everyone walking down the streets of London is never caught without a great outfit! They dress nice for movies too, which I thought was really cool! I mean here, if we want to go see a movie, we might be looking good, but it wouldn't be weird to see someone in some sweatpants! I know I've been guilty of this once or twice...
  8. Deliciously amazing food! Everyone has heard about the pastries, the tea, the bakeries, the pasta, the crumpets, and the whole works. I've been told, "If you don't go for anything else, go for the food."
    list of delicious foods - pictures of food - italian food - courgetti.jpg
  9. The outlook on life! They seem so carefree and I just love that kind of attitude!
  10. There are so many things to do! You can go sight see beautiful places, shopping in the worlds biggest shopping centers, clubbing and dancing like never done before, lay out on the gorgeous beaches, crazy carnivals, insanely good concerts, and a million other things!
  11. Europe is pretty much the art capital of the world! It's an artist's dream to go and paint in Venice or Rome. The art from the buildings to the statues, it is beautifully marked everywhere the eye can see.
    Art~ Statue in Venice
  12. Drinking. I've never drank before, but since they're fond of the booze over there. I've thought about trying it if I go... So, I told myself, if I'm going to drink, then I might as well drink in a pub in England with a gorgeous British man by my side!
    "@JakeGosling: Breakfast??" ... Is that a bloody mary he's drinking for breakfast?
  13. Just the fact that they are extremely passionate when comes to something they love! Food, romance, architecture, art, music, clothes, or anything. They go all out! Chefs spend all day cooking away so they have a wonderful meal. Italians say, "You Americans eat to live, but we Italians live to eat!" Passion's where it's at. Europe's the shit.

And that is why, my friends, I'm going to live in the UK. At least for a while... I know it will be a scary thing, but sometimes in life you have to take chances. Live with no regrets, move forward and be where you want to be, and do what you want to do.

Live life for yourself! How can you be happy if you are pleasing everybody else but yourself?

This is definately some advice that I need to take under consideration, because honestly... I'm scared. Scared to follow my dreams, scared to go somewhere and be where I want to be, scared to be with who I want to be, because I might miss it here! So all of this is for me, as much it is for you!
My family isn't exactly supporting my dream... to be honest they would want me to stay home for the rest of my life, and be super glued to the small town I'm just dying to break free from! I can't stay forever! How could I? I'm a wanderer, and I have been caged long enough...

So many choices in life man.

Take a chance.

Do what you want to do.

You only live once... cliche', yet such a true statement.

Make your dreams a reality.

Your dreams can't come true until you WAKE UP.
So here I am on the verge of waking up, at the age of seventeen, trying to push away my fears. Yet, I'm still sitting here in Idaho, waiting for something beyond the line. I have traveled about half the United States and been out of the country, but that isn't far enough! You know what I mean? I believe some people were born to explore. We're curious, we love the adventure, we crave for new sites and different people, and we have to get out there and do what has been calling our names our entire lives!

Here is one of my favorite quotes by the man who inspired my childhood."You have brains your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go." -Dr. Seuss


Well, where in the world do you want to go and why there? Or do you have other dreams that your heart is wanting you to follow, but your head keeps getting in the way?
What is your favorite part of Europe? Mine would be the men...
Please share and comment below! :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why You Should Hate Movie Critics

A creepy robot lady voice, "Please be courteous and silence your cellphones now."
Lights dim. Virtual rollercoaster ride starts in 3, 2, 1... pshhhheeeuww! 
A critic says, "This movie is terrible, I mean did you just honestly hear that lady? She was way too monotone to be in this kind of industry!"
Then a guy with Superman shirt says, "Dude, the movie hasn't even started yet..."

As you can tell... critics really are pissing me off lately, and you should join me on kicking their trash. Guess what movie got a bad rating? He came from the sky and crash-landed in a field, raised in Kansas on a farm, bullied by his peers, sexiest man walking the earth (probably because he isn't even from this planet),  comes from the planet Kripton, super strength, lazer vision, unreal speed, he can fly, has a flashy red cape, and not to mention, a caring heart? Yes, Superman. I LOVE SUPERMAN. Who doesn't? This movie was by far one of the greatest films I have seen in a very long time. I'm sure you've already guessed that this Superman movie got a thumbs down by a lot of critics out there. A similar story happened with John Carter. You probably haven't seen this movie, because these critics also gave this film a bad rating. Who doesn't want to go to Mars and be able to jump a million feet in the air? It is actually a fantastic film and I recommend it, if you haven't already gotten the chance to see it. There have been other bad reviews on good movies, such as Green Lantern and Cowboys and Aliens and many more (if I keep listing, it will continue to feed my hate fire).
Here is my letter to all of the pathetically ill minded critics out there--

Critics (AKA the one's with their head's up their you know whats),
You suck rocks. Here's why.
  • You have the sense of a goldfish and obviously can't remember any movies you see.
  • 'Deceiving Bastard' should be tattooed straight across your wrinkly foreheads.
  • Apparently you don't get paid enough, because you're embarrassingly bad at your job, and so you don't have glasses to see the 22x52 ft. screen. But, trust me, no one is judging.
  • You eat poop for your side job. Why yes, horse shit. Thanks for clarifying.
  • You are cowards. Why? Because. You know why! (What Happens In Vegas)
  • You lie. This is an unmistakable truth.
  • Gandhi hates you. Gandhi isn't supposed to hate. You have corrupted Gandhi.
The list could go on and on until it broke yours and my own computer screen, so I decided to cut it short. Mostly because short and sweet makes a point! 

You're all just lying bitches.


People with good taste in movies

Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to: Make Your Father Feel Special

Happy Fathers Day everyone out there! This is a great time to show your #1 Big Daddy-o how much you love him(or any other time of the year). But, how can you make him feel special? Here are some ways that will surely make your dad blush, shout hurray!, do a little dance, and have a warm smile across his face.

  • Give him a homemade card! I actually do this for my big papa every year. A heart felt message telling him how much you love, care, and appreciate him is definitely a good way to go! If you aren't an artsy type of person, you might want to consider stencils! Just remember he will love it, ugly or not, it's the thought that counts.
  • Breakfast in bed. My dad is about 300 pounds... and no, he isn't a big fatty, haha. If your dad loves food as much as mine, then you will certainly be his favorite child!
  • Give him an award! A little ribbon that says #1 Dad on it for him to prance proudly around the house in all day, will clearly make him feel like he really is number one.
  • Give him a great big hug and kiss on the cheek. Come on, we all love hugs and this will turn your daddy into a big softie.
  • Read him a damn poem. Just make it somehow personal or funny!
  • Buy him a present. This could be at random! Maybe if he loves the Seattle Seahawks, you can buy him another T-Shirt, even though he might already have hundreds.
  • Go on a daddy daughter date! Or if you're a dude, then a father and son outing or whatever you want to call it to make it sound more manly. Plan the whole thing, and possibly make it a surprise?
  • Cancel your plans. Yes, you might love your friends or "love" your new boy toy, but family is forever. Tell your dad that you would rather stay home and just hang out with him for the night!
  • Let him teach you something. Take into consideration, that he really may be older and wiser, and letting him teach you something, whether it be cooking, fixing up a motorcycle, or even to throw a spiral from your old football in the backyard, listen to him, do it, and enjoy it!
Don't procrastinate! And if you have missed the old Father's Day specialty, then don't worry! DO THIS AT A RANDOM TIME OF THE YEAR. Who said you only can to cherish your dad on Fathers Day? Get out there and have a little fun with it! If you have anymore ideas to add that are creative, then please let me know! I'm all for input!

Aww look at that sweet smile!

How to: Obsess Over Someone You Don't Even Know

Recently I have discovered something. Something important in a way, concerning my readers... people who may click on my blog and read over it and think nahh and go to the next blog. This might be you... (awkward) but lets cut to the chase. I found that you don't care what I'm doing in my day to day life, if I had the best or worst day of my life. Because you don't even know me, so it doesn't include you in any way. This isn't a damn diary! Yes, like any other person, I would love it if people seriously wanted to tune in on my life, but I've decided I'm going to try and include you guys more in my posts! Something more beneficial. So here goes nothing!

11 Steps to Obsess Over Someone You Don't Even Know

Step 1: First of all, if you are going to obsess over someone, they have to have some type of quality that is worth obsessing over. These things could fall under good looks, charming personality, amazingly sexy voice, strong character, good sense of humor, freaky dance moves, unique style, or someone popular at your school or some type of celebrity.

Step 2: Once you've found your idol to worship obsessively (if you didn't already have one) jump around in circles in celebration.

Step 3: Put aside all of the childish thoughts. You are not too old to obsess over Harry Styles from One Direction, nor are you too tall to love Zac Efron and Tom Cruise, you may have shorter hair than Johnney Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean but who gives a shit?, Jennifer Lawrence might be too much of a bad ass, and people might judge your idols, but thats' why they're yours.

Step 4: Google as many random facts about them that most people wouldn't normally know. Harry Styles first word was "Cat". Yes, I do know that fact. Before you laugh, please realize you will most likely end up worse than me.

Step 5: Put up posters of them all over your room, mansion, house, apartment, car, box, or wherever you reside.

Step 6: Start quoting them like you have to quote Shakespeare in English. Only this time you get to choose the author and the words that came out of their mouth.

Step 7: Know their birthday, and celebrate it. If your obsession is a band, or involves more than one person in some way or another, pick your favorite member or celebrate them all! The more the merrier.

Step 8: Make an obsessive blog, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, We Heart It, Wattpad, etc. all in dedication to your obsession.

Step 9: Take a step back and ponder on why you are obsessing over this person. Is it worth it? Does it do any good? Does this bring good to your future or anyone else's? Answer yes to all of these questions and decide you are not ready or will never be ready to end your obsession... which leads to step 9.

Step 10: Get a candle, sit in a dark room, and tell yourself you will never stop, and never will want to stop.

Step 11: Do everything in your power to meet your idol. Go to the concert, book signing, TV show, house, possible location they might be at the time, whatever it takes. 

Whole-heartedly complete each and every one of these steps, and you will be Obsessed Educated. People will respect you more with this title.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Six Strings and then the World

Playing the guitar just seems so legit. The six strings giving out a beautiful melody. An instrument that speaks to the soul. I really want to try it out! I have been watching all these people on YouTube who sing and play the guitar *at the same time* I mean like who doesn't want to do that? And then when I master the guitar, I will sing the song I made for my idol and dream man, Harry Edward Styles! I remixed "What Makes You Beautiful" and turned it into "Harry I'm Your Perfect Girl". I know what you're thinkin, and you don't have to thank me.
You know what is down right sexy? Guys and guitars. And if they sing too? "Panty dropper!"- Jenna Marbles. But seriously though, like if a man can sing and play the guitar we are pretty much meant to be! If you agree then we would make great friends. Like Ed Sheeran! Not the best looking Brit, but his voice is like an angel.

Are you single? I have no men in my life. No real ones anyway. Zip! Zero! "I love being single" said no truthful whore ever. And the sad thing is is that I'm so into One Direction and Harry Styles that when my friends are going around in a circle, "oh, and who do you like Brittany?" My first thoughts unwillingly jump straight to Harry. I'm almost eighteen years old, and I fan-girl over a British boy band. Well, that doesn't sound too pathetic does it?
But hey! Being single isn't really that bad! I have been all my life, (minus a month and a half) but who's counting right? We all can be loners together, then we will go to Europe and find some sexy British, Italian, and Irish men! The trip is planned. Any takers? 🙏✈🇬🇧😍👫👫
We can all be next door neighbors and go on double dates, travel the world, and be BFFs! I'm actually lovin this idea! Boo on Idaho, here we come UK!
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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day of Black, Night of Sparkles.

"It's always darkest before the dawn."

Funerals. I honestly don't know who likes them! Sitting by everyone who loved and cared for someone who is now gone from this world. Also, imagining how everyone else must feel of whoever was closer to that person.
The funeral of my Grandma Peachi just happened to be the day of my Senior Prom. It was an unexpected death, having a small cough then two weeks later we're putting her into the ground. She was a great lady and very caring for other people, and I will miss her.
After funerals what do you do? I sat in my car and bawled my eyes out listening to Ed Sheeran, but who knows if that's normal. After trying to recover myself I went into Subway, getting stares, because I was "overdressed" for a sandwich place. I felt like giving everyone the middle finger, and getting back to chowing down my turkey sub.

After the tears and overeating, finally came the sparkles. My bestie Ari and I didnt have dates to our senior prom, because boys are stupid. We went and got our hair done at a big hair academy in our town and just used some of Ari's dresses to save some green.
Red lipstick and six inch heels, lets just say everyone was turning heads. Not to mention we rolled up in my sisters blue mustang, looking sexy. Showing up stag and dancing the night away was the greatest idea! Especially because we weren't the only ones with the idea. Walking, much less dancing in six inch heels, was a challenge, so we danced barefoot the whole night and just wore the heels for the picture.
We had our senior toast with red solo cups and champagne glasses filled with sprite. Everyone was going crazy clinking our glasses together and sprite getting thrown all over. Tanner Honeycutt dropped his glass and broke it right next to my barefoot group, but we just kept on rocking the night away!
In the end you have good friends, driving away in a cool car, screaming out the windows into the night, just like good friends should.
It was an ᎥЯ⚙ИᎥᑕ night, because it was one of the worst but best days of my life!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Perks to Being Indecisive

If you are as indecisive as me, then I'm sure that we will be great friends! Being a senior in high school, I have so many decisions in my life that will affect the rest of my life. I mean, I hardly can decide which spoon I want to use from the silverware drawer, how am I supposed to choose a college to attend for the next four years of my life??
I have been looking all over the internet to help indecisve people, and I have come up with a list to help all of you people like me. :)
  • Weigh the Pro's and Con's of the decision(s).
  • Imagine living with the decision.
  • Just leave the decision alone for a bit. Try not to procrastinate too much, but maybe you are not ready yet to make the decision.
  • Listen to your gut! No guts no glory, right?
  • Pray for an answer of what you should do(if you're into that kind of thing).
  • Talk it through with family.
  • Talk it through with a friend(can have a different view than a family member).
  • Flip a coin... and become like Harvey Dent!
  • Let go of your fear.
  • Go with your first instinct!
  • Keep this quote in mind: "Choices are a half chance, so are everybody else's."-Paulina Angelique

  • So there you go! You are now a decision making guru! Well... maybe not, but hopefully I helped with something!

Just remember: be what you want to be, be where you want to be, do what you want to do, because it's your life. Don't live for other people, live for yourself, because you are the one who is going to be waking up every morning and living with the decisions that you make. MAKE IT COUNT.

Life as an Artist €£¥•*

My heart is my sketchbook, my brain is my canvas, my veins pump the colors on my paint brush, my spine is my easel, my hands are the butterfly nets to my creativity, and my eyes reflect my soul into my artwork.
The world is a completely different world, through an artists eye. Every color, all the details, many many textures, and ideas get soaked in at every glance. I don't think i can look at people the same, because I analyze everyones faces: how long the nose is, how far apart the eyes are, shade of hair color, where the ears are positioned, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Being an artist, I always look at things and imagine myself drawing it... I just picture how I would shade every detail, and sketch it all out on the canvas of my brain. Art comforts me. I get anxiety at times and drawing saves me from that heart attack of sadness, and flys me away from the world. I spread my wings and soar through my drawings, and I love every minute of it! I look for inspiration in my everyday life. I love to portray some kind of emotion through my art, because it's so much more fun to look at that way!
My future in art: A REAL FUTURE. I hope to become a famous aspiring artist, I am going to be attending college for art this fall, and take the roller coaster of life from there! This is my most recent drawing of Harry Styles: gorgeous British man, 1/5 of One Direction, that inspires me daily! I drew this from one of my 1D mags, and finished it in my Art 4 class (the highest art level in my high school). I will post some future projects and past projects that I have done this year! I also take requests... (:

Friday, March 8, 2013

A Friendly Introduction

Hello People of the Internet World,

I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Brittany Hannan, I am a high school senior, I'm seventeen years old and turn eighteen on July 1st(yes!), and I live in Idaho in the USA! My motto in life is "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever."
 I have an extensive amount of interests which include: being an artist, a writer, I'm apart of a Writers League that I attend every Wednesday night, I party with my friends, I love all types of music, “fan girling” One Direction(Harry Styles is gorgeous), making lists, I'm the Senior Activity Leader in Student Council at my school, working out, singing, concerts, learning(oddly enough), doing random crap, and many more things to discover about myself!
I have an older sister Janie(26), older bro Brad(21), and a little half sister Alainna(6). I also have a step sister and brother Nikelle and Kristjan, and if you count my other three step brothers Todd, Ryan, and Keith, then that is pretty much everyone! My parents are divorced(if you couldn't already tell) like the other 50% of the American population. They split when I was five, and really don't remember anything different! No worries though, it's life.
My friends think that I'm pretty funny, and we always have a good time together! People consider me pretty laid back, but still can have a way fun time! My friends and I like doing many different things. From insane football games, toilet papering houses, talking about boys, having girls nights, and just being our wacky selves, it always seems to be a good time!
Do I have ambitions? Many. I am constantly making bucket lists and goals, which I will share in future posts. Some of my top things you should know about me: I'm dead set on someday marrying a British man, I want to study abroad in Europe, I would love to publish a book, become an aspiring artist, have my dream body, and travel the world.
I plan on posting once a week about my everyday life, which I hope you find interesting! You will see the rest of my senior year, up to graduation on May 23, 2013, my awesome summer being a grad, off to college, and then wherever else life takes me! I would love to become a mom someday and all that jazz, but that's far, far down the road for sure. OH! And I plan on being rich, too! No biggie. Come visit my blog for my everyday adventures! Hope you enjoyed it! And I would love comments if you would! If not that's cool too. No pressure... haha.