Friday, June 28, 2013

The Bucket List

Lately I've been reading this book called "Before I Die" by Jenny Downham. It's about this girl who has cancer and she starts a bucket list of the things she wants to do before she dies, because she obviously doesn't have a lot of time left. This has really got me thinking about the things I want to do before the old Grim Reaper knocks on my door.
 I'm a huge fan of bucket lists so here is one of my Life Bucket Lists on my graduation cap!
If you can't read it very well it says: Travel the world, go skydiving, make a difference, see the 7 wonders, ride a gondola, send a message in a bottle, paint on an elephant, attend a masquerade, shop in New York, date a British man, dye my hair a crazy color, break out of my comfort zone, break a world record, sit front row at a concert, kiss someone famous, live in another country, LIVE.

You or I may not have cancer but we really need to get life started regardless! I mean we don't want to wait until we have cancer or something stops us! Now that I have graduated it's time to get this thing rolling!
I don't want to wait and do my bucket list until I'm a vegetable, so I decided I would start now! So come out of your comfort zone and join me on this journey!
Noskin_is-perfect | via Tumblr

I've made so many bucket list's, but one thing I've always wondered, is how to stick to it? How can you make yourself complete everything you want to do before you die?

Here are 8 tips on Completing Your Bucket List
  1. Set goals. Don't just write what you're going to do, but plan how you're going to do it!
  2. Put a time limit on it and decide when this going to go down. If you say when you're going to complete it by, then you are a million times more likely to do it!
  3. Narrow down the unrealistic goals. I mean yes, you do want some crazy fun ones, but be honest with yourself. Are you really gutsy enough to go skydiving? The more realistic and simple goals the better!
  4. Include ones that are more personal to you! You're a unique person, and no one is exactly the same as you, so no one else should have the same bucket list as you! Get creative.
  5. Believing is doing. If you can believe in yourself enough to accomplish this life goal, then you can do it.
  6. Put it in a place where you see it all the time. Then you'll be reminded, so the bucket list won't get neglected!
  7. Tell people what you're going to do on the list so the list becomes more real and you are more likely to go through with it! Plus, then you might find someone to do it with you!
  8. Imagine yourself doing this list. Each and every single thing, take some time to close your eyes and visualize yourself going through with it! 

words | via Facebook
When is it good to make a bucket list? Anytime really! Start now and start tonight! You can make it look all fancy or if you're not an artist, then just a simple list will do perfectly! 
It's always fun to make bucket lists with my best friends, and then you complete the list with them!

Honestly, this is probably the best quote I've ever come across... So honest, so true, and so straight forward.

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