Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to: Obsess Over Someone You Don't Even Know

Recently I have discovered something. Something important in a way, concerning my readers... people who may click on my blog and read over it and think nahh and go to the next blog. This might be you... (awkward) but lets cut to the chase. I found that you don't care what I'm doing in my day to day life, if I had the best or worst day of my life. Because you don't even know me, so it doesn't include you in any way. This isn't a damn diary! Yes, like any other person, I would love it if people seriously wanted to tune in on my life, but I've decided I'm going to try and include you guys more in my posts! Something more beneficial. So here goes nothing!

11 Steps to Obsess Over Someone You Don't Even Know

Step 1: First of all, if you are going to obsess over someone, they have to have some type of quality that is worth obsessing over. These things could fall under good looks, charming personality, amazingly sexy voice, strong character, good sense of humor, freaky dance moves, unique style, or someone popular at your school or some type of celebrity.

Step 2: Once you've found your idol to worship obsessively (if you didn't already have one) jump around in circles in celebration.

Step 3: Put aside all of the childish thoughts. You are not too old to obsess over Harry Styles from One Direction, nor are you too tall to love Zac Efron and Tom Cruise, you may have shorter hair than Johnney Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean but who gives a shit?, Jennifer Lawrence might be too much of a bad ass, and people might judge your idols, but thats' why they're yours.

Step 4: Google as many random facts about them that most people wouldn't normally know. Harry Styles first word was "Cat". Yes, I do know that fact. Before you laugh, please realize you will most likely end up worse than me.

Step 5: Put up posters of them all over your room, mansion, house, apartment, car, box, or wherever you reside.

Step 6: Start quoting them like you have to quote Shakespeare in English. Only this time you get to choose the author and the words that came out of their mouth.

Step 7: Know their birthday, and celebrate it. If your obsession is a band, or involves more than one person in some way or another, pick your favorite member or celebrate them all! The more the merrier.

Step 8: Make an obsessive blog, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, We Heart It, Wattpad, etc. all in dedication to your obsession.

Step 9: Take a step back and ponder on why you are obsessing over this person. Is it worth it? Does it do any good? Does this bring good to your future or anyone else's? Answer yes to all of these questions and decide you are not ready or will never be ready to end your obsession... which leads to step 9.

Step 10: Get a candle, sit in a dark room, and tell yourself you will never stop, and never will want to stop.

Step 11: Do everything in your power to meet your idol. Go to the concert, book signing, TV show, house, possible location they might be at the time, whatever it takes. 

Whole-heartedly complete each and every one of these steps, and you will be Obsessed Educated. People will respect you more with this title.

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