Friday, June 21, 2013

13 Reasons Why Europe is the Best Place on Earth

As you guys know, I have an obsession with Europe and especially Britain. There are so many reasons why I love this phenomenal place. I have never actually been there, but my dream is to go to Europe and date a British man!

 Everything is beautiful in Europe.

 I love everything about it! Here are 13 reasons why the Europe is the best place on earth.

  1. The gorgeous beaches! Now doesn't that look nice? I mean let's be real guys. And they have some nude ones too! Oo la la!
    Positano, Italy
  2. The accents. Oh, the adorable accents! I am a sucker for accents (especially British). They just are so sexy it's unreal. They also just seem to have some sort of class about them! Check out this video and just watch the British (and Irish) accents!
  3. Amazing architecture! Places like Britain, Rome, Italy, Spain, France, and Greece happen to be my personal favorites. Like holy hell, my house doesn't even compare to this! Stunning Architecture of Spain (10 Amazing Pics)
    and the Colosseum is just straight up legit!
    The colloseum, Rome


    Eiffel Tower

  4. Great music artists reside and originate in Europe. Of coarse One Direction, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Green Day, Blink-182, Florence + the Machine, and tons of others!
  5. The men there are unbelievably attractive. Like this is me drooling all over my laptop and getting a little bit dizzy, because they are so yummy. It's pretty much every American girls dream to make out or "snog" with a British man! Apparently they are good kissers! Score!
  6. Romance. They just seem so romantic! The gondolas, beautiful fountains, legends, charm, etc.
  7. Sense of fashion. Everyone walking down the streets of London is never caught without a great outfit! They dress nice for movies too, which I thought was really cool! I mean here, if we want to go see a movie, we might be looking good, but it wouldn't be weird to see someone in some sweatpants! I know I've been guilty of this once or twice...
  8. Deliciously amazing food! Everyone has heard about the pastries, the tea, the bakeries, the pasta, the crumpets, and the whole works. I've been told, "If you don't go for anything else, go for the food."
    list of delicious foods - pictures of food - italian food - courgetti.jpg
  9. The outlook on life! They seem so carefree and I just love that kind of attitude!
  10. There are so many things to do! You can go sight see beautiful places, shopping in the worlds biggest shopping centers, clubbing and dancing like never done before, lay out on the gorgeous beaches, crazy carnivals, insanely good concerts, and a million other things!
  11. Europe is pretty much the art capital of the world! It's an artist's dream to go and paint in Venice or Rome. The art from the buildings to the statues, it is beautifully marked everywhere the eye can see.
    Art~ Statue in Venice
  12. Drinking. I've never drank before, but since they're fond of the booze over there. I've thought about trying it if I go... So, I told myself, if I'm going to drink, then I might as well drink in a pub in England with a gorgeous British man by my side!
    "@JakeGosling: Breakfast??" ... Is that a bloody mary he's drinking for breakfast?
  13. Just the fact that they are extremely passionate when comes to something they love! Food, romance, architecture, art, music, clothes, or anything. They go all out! Chefs spend all day cooking away so they have a wonderful meal. Italians say, "You Americans eat to live, but we Italians live to eat!" Passion's where it's at. Europe's the shit.

And that is why, my friends, I'm going to live in the UK. At least for a while... I know it will be a scary thing, but sometimes in life you have to take chances. Live with no regrets, move forward and be where you want to be, and do what you want to do.

Live life for yourself! How can you be happy if you are pleasing everybody else but yourself?

This is definately some advice that I need to take under consideration, because honestly... I'm scared. Scared to follow my dreams, scared to go somewhere and be where I want to be, scared to be with who I want to be, because I might miss it here! So all of this is for me, as much it is for you!
My family isn't exactly supporting my dream... to be honest they would want me to stay home for the rest of my life, and be super glued to the small town I'm just dying to break free from! I can't stay forever! How could I? I'm a wanderer, and I have been caged long enough...

So many choices in life man.

Take a chance.

Do what you want to do.

You only live once... cliche', yet such a true statement.

Make your dreams a reality.

Your dreams can't come true until you WAKE UP.
So here I am on the verge of waking up, at the age of seventeen, trying to push away my fears. Yet, I'm still sitting here in Idaho, waiting for something beyond the line. I have traveled about half the United States and been out of the country, but that isn't far enough! You know what I mean? I believe some people were born to explore. We're curious, we love the adventure, we crave for new sites and different people, and we have to get out there and do what has been calling our names our entire lives!

Here is one of my favorite quotes by the man who inspired my childhood."You have brains your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go." -Dr. Seuss


Well, where in the world do you want to go and why there? Or do you have other dreams that your heart is wanting you to follow, but your head keeps getting in the way?
What is your favorite part of Europe? Mine would be the men...
Please share and comment below! :)

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