Friday, March 8, 2013

A Friendly Introduction

Hello People of the Internet World,

I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Brittany Hannan, I am a high school senior, I'm seventeen years old and turn eighteen on July 1st(yes!), and I live in Idaho in the USA! My motto in life is "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever."
 I have an extensive amount of interests which include: being an artist, a writer, I'm apart of a Writers League that I attend every Wednesday night, I party with my friends, I love all types of music, “fan girling” One Direction(Harry Styles is gorgeous), making lists, I'm the Senior Activity Leader in Student Council at my school, working out, singing, concerts, learning(oddly enough), doing random crap, and many more things to discover about myself!
I have an older sister Janie(26), older bro Brad(21), and a little half sister Alainna(6). I also have a step sister and brother Nikelle and Kristjan, and if you count my other three step brothers Todd, Ryan, and Keith, then that is pretty much everyone! My parents are divorced(if you couldn't already tell) like the other 50% of the American population. They split when I was five, and really don't remember anything different! No worries though, it's life.
My friends think that I'm pretty funny, and we always have a good time together! People consider me pretty laid back, but still can have a way fun time! My friends and I like doing many different things. From insane football games, toilet papering houses, talking about boys, having girls nights, and just being our wacky selves, it always seems to be a good time!
Do I have ambitions? Many. I am constantly making bucket lists and goals, which I will share in future posts. Some of my top things you should know about me: I'm dead set on someday marrying a British man, I want to study abroad in Europe, I would love to publish a book, become an aspiring artist, have my dream body, and travel the world.
I plan on posting once a week about my everyday life, which I hope you find interesting! You will see the rest of my senior year, up to graduation on May 23, 2013, my awesome summer being a grad, off to college, and then wherever else life takes me! I would love to become a mom someday and all that jazz, but that's far, far down the road for sure. OH! And I plan on being rich, too! No biggie. Come visit my blog for my everyday adventures! Hope you enjoyed it! And I would love comments if you would! If not that's cool too. No pressure... haha.

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